A family that can laugh together, stays happy together!
For years, I have been inspired by the humor of awkward family photos. I have always wanted to create my own. After all, if you’re going to laugh at someone, it might as well be yourself! Right? Awkward family photos have become so popular in the recent years, stores have started to monetized from them by selling products like greeting cards and board games.
What are awkward family photos?
You can simply google “awkward family photos”, or look them up on Pinterest. You’ll be laughing for hours! Basically, awkward family photos are intentionally bad portraits. Posing and editing are strategically cheesy. The more awkward, the better!
Our Kirkland Family Awkward Photos
Quick, pretend like we’re looking at something!
“What’s your motivation?”
I told my daughter to look as creepy as possible, and my son to look like a bored teenager. My husband, well, blissfully square… Myself? Obviously a trophy wife/ desperate housewife. HA!
Did we nail it?
We wanted to include our pets; because, why not?
Our cat, Maddie, didn’t have to do much acting. She really does love her human daddy, and looks at him with full admiration. She was a rescue 11 years ago. My husband and I spent our first New Year’s Eve as a married couple rescuing a group of feral cats that were in much need of medical attention. Thankfully, we were able to capture them, nurse back to health, domesticate, and find loving homes for all. Well, except for Maddie. She needed a little extra TLC. Jonathan wasn’t originally a cat person. In fact, he quite despised them. But, he loved me so much that he went on my crazy animal rescue missions and helped in any ways he could. It was Maddie that changed his mind about cats and opened a special place in his heart for them. Maddie was only a couple of months old at the time. She was wild and had no social skills. She was so tiny, but as fierce as a lion. It took her almost a full year to warm up to me. Jonathan on the other hand, she loved almost immediately. It was thanks to him, Maddie began to trust and realized she had a home. She has been in love with her daddy ever since.
Spoiled is an understatement…
It was only appropriate that I capture their love in the most cheesy and awkward way possible!
The fish!
The fish is my favorite thing about this photo. We wanted to include all of our pets, but we have two other cats that just weren’t in the mood for pictures at the time. Our two dogs and goldfish, on the other hand, were game. Our goldfish, Dory, isn’t just your ordinary fish. He/she (we aren’t sure) is the size of a man’s hand! It has a whole aquarium to itself and is about 5 years old. It’s been in our family for a while, so of course we had to include it! Plus, a goldfish in a family portrait is hilarious.
Ah, the special moments.
The Editing…
It actually takes a bit of skill to pull of editing this bad. HA! But, it can’t be the editing alone that pulls off intentionally bad photos. Wardrobe and expressions play a big part in it as well. However, the editing is definitely important. Have fun with it. Take advantage of overlays! Glitter, bokeh, fireworks, and more!
Fireworks and Christmas light bokeh. Yes!
The 1980’s called. It wants its laser beam backdrop back…
Love conquers all. Enough said.
They’ll bring your family laughter!
Well, there isn’t much more I can say for these. They pretty much speak for themselves. Awkward family photos will keep your family laughing for decades. I recommend at least once in your life, do these. You’ll laugh with your loved ones probably harder than you’ve laughed in a long time. Send your friends and family Christmas cards to share the laughter with them as well. Print them on Christmas ornaments to be reminded every year of how much fun you all had. Silly photos like these might not seem important. But, trust me, they are. This is why I’ll be offering awkward family photo sessions for my clients in the future. I want all families to laugh and have as much fun as we had making these.
From Ashley Kirkland Photography, have a blessed Christmas season full of love and laughter!
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